With Windows Mobile devices costing in the close $600.00 and above, what happens when the world’s most talked about phone get a huge price cut by half? What happens when the world’s most talked about phone acquires Microsoft ActiveSync and Exchange and push email? What happens when it acquires GPS and maps as well? All for the price of an entry-level phone from Nokia or Samsung.
Regarding the latter, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Overall, a lot of the new services announced won’t make huge waves in the Philippines. But the price point of the new and improved iPhone will. At less than P10,000.00 the 8GB iPhone will probably kill most of the competition. That is, if people don’t start charging more for unlocking it
4 replies on “iPhone 3G: $199.00 for 8GB”
hmmmm… baby items or the brand new white 16gig iPhone… decisions decisions.
Is it true there is no video recording?
i will buy this
I wish Globe would bring this in alreadY!!!