Amidst the controversies on blogger related events, we can’t deny that blog events are some of the most fun extra-curricular activities that can make or break our day. Have you ever thought about it? What was the most memorable blog event you’ve been to? I’m not looking for the best – because that’s relative. I’m looking for something memorable – and maybe in the comments section, you can say why.
So let’s vote! I started a list here but anyone can add events as they deem fit. It could be a media event they attended as a blogger, an all-blogger event … whatever. Just vote! I’ll have this poll open for the next two weeks, which will close on the 20th of June.
8 replies on “Hey, ever thought about it? What was your most memorable blogger event?”
I think I know why you chose the blogger mixer at Kape Isla
[…] What was Your Most Memorable Blogger Event? – Jayvee of ABuggedLife asks “What was your most memorable Blogger Event?” join in on the survey by going here. […]
surprising that 13 votes in, nobody finds the HappySlip event to be memorable.
most of the blogger events i attended are memorable–for me, they are good moments to be with online friends, and to meet new friends.
memorable siyempre ang TAste Asia
Heh, you know which one I picked lol
@nina: you mean the event with the high maintenance guide?
mine was taste asia II