Mostly Everything

Is the Neo Explore X1 Classmate PC “better” than the ASUS eee?

Neo Explore X1 Launch

Oh hello, the mail sent over an invite for Intel’s Neo Explore X1 launch this week. The Neo Explore is supposedly the aesthetically backward ASUS eee killer. Engadget reports that the Classmate has now hit shelves for P16,998 and has been rebranded by Neo into the Explore. Intel Philippines is spearheading the event.

The target market of the Neo is .. well … children. This is apparent from the look of the media invite which encourages you to bring your kids to “explore” and “discover.” Why wasn’t this the thrust of the ASUS eee?

The ASUS eee doesn’t seem to target children. It is being pushed towards the on-the-go mobile warrior and early adaptors. I think the perception shift is because it runs on Linux, therefore is “alien” to children who are used to seeing Windows boot up. How different the perception of the market when you aren’t running on Windows? I dunno. I’m obviously guessing these reasons, but you must admit there is some commercial attrition with Linux.

So the truth? Well, let’s wait and see what they have to present during the conference. Should be interesting.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “Is the Neo Explore X1 Classmate PC “better” than the ASUS eee?”

if i’m not mistaken, the official site for the eee has a picture of two kids using it.

asus killed them all pretenders with their eee…it’s a simple fact all the rest are catching up…but if indeed asus is threatened by all these, then why are the shelves of eeepc’s empty up to now?

Well one thing’s The EEE looks a hell of a lot better than the classmate. At least you can PRETEND the EEE wasn’t made for children and the aged. 😛

Finally, a laptop that I can use while riding an FX even in unholy hours of the day.
I don’t mind if its designed similar to my kid’s Vtech,
it will make muggers wonder whether I am working? or just starting to learn my ABC..

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