Mostly Everything

New advertiser on board: Nokia Philippines

Though I don’t actively pursue direct advertising on this blog, I’ve worked out an advertising deal with Nokia Philippines together with Ogilvy to make use of the 468 x 60 ad space prominent beside my blog’s logo. Nokia is promoting the new N82 Nseries phone.

In line with this, they are holding several advertising and PR campaigns through online advertising, projects and real world events. I talked a bit about the ambassador position I accepted last December to promote the Nokia N82. All I can say is that in the next few weeks, Nokia Philippines will be launching a series of projects to reintroduce the wireless lifestyle the company strongly believes in.

Stay tuned, dear friends!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “New advertiser on board: Nokia Philippines”

Nokia has misjudged the market for its higher end phones. Very few people will buy this. Most consumers who can afford 25k on a phone and 5k monthly on a line will rather go for a fashion phone. Business users will rather spend on the 50k E90. But good luck. I was hoping Nokia will spend more advertising money on the 6500 Classic and Slider.

hey there BrianB,

IMO i think there are certain phones that Nokia would want to push. The Nseries phones seem to be the ones that Nokia have put on the limelight as these represent the latest advances in the company. so as any manufacturer would do, they would like to highlight their flagship product. I think though that the classic line as well as the entry level phones sell themselves even without advertising so putting ads about them might be redundant. thats my opinion 🙂

>>Very few people will buy this. Most consumers who can afford 25k on a phone and 5k monthly on a line will rather go for a fashion phone.

I think you’re right to a certain extent. There are also rich people who are too stupid to understand what their phones can really do and just want to buy the newest most expensive phone in town, never mind the way it looks.

It’s been there for nearly a month now. They say it needs a full motherboard replacement, and they don’t have a motherboard available yet.

They should just replace the whole damn unit.

hmm i’ve never sent a unit to nokia for repairs before so i dont know the TOS. although, they do read this blog once in a while. i personally think that after a given point, they should really just replace the whole thing if its still within warranty.

>>i personally think that after a given point, they should really just replace the whole thing if its still within warranty.

I agree. I think that kind of service is starting to catch on here, whereas before if you bought a defective item you’re basically out of luck trying to get it repaired.

@mike – maybe sounding off something here will help accelerate the process. read my previous comment and it sounded like i was showing off. i just figured that maybe it would be a better sounding off board to figure out what went wrong with your service.

can anyone telme where i can have my nokia 9500 repaired aside from a nokia service center? any reputable ones. would appreciate any feedbacks..tnx!l

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