Mostly Everything

Safari, oh how I love thee? (let me count the ways)


As almost any Macintosh user would hate to admit, I am torn between using Firefox and Safari as my default browser of choice. I love the versatility of Firefox, complete with the plugins and the sexy fact that it is developed as an open source project. But at the same time I’m also loving the way Safari renders my pages. I guess the debate is subjective for the most part – but what’s making me hesitant to make the complete switch is how Safari doesn’t support a lot of things on the web — like Facebook’s Warbook applet:


Frankly, I use both browsers. Firefox has a better download manager tool but Safari’s browsing experience is less laggy and cleaner. Safari does have a community dedicated to developing plugins, but it isn’t as tight as the Firefox community.

If you’re a Mac user, what is your default browser of choice and why? If you don’t use Safari, what would make you do a complete switch?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Safari, oh how I love thee? (let me count the ways)”

Me? Count me in the Firefox column. The version I use ( is a little buggy but I want to maintain just one browser across all the operating systems I use.

I use Safari too, but more as a tool to see how my websites look like on other browsers

I am not a Mac user but I tried Safari for Windows, its on Beta version so I assumed there are still bugs on it because everytime I open a site using Safari it returns a message something about my password and before I could enter my password, the window automatically exits, I’ve checked all the settings and it seems fine. Another thing is the image placeholders, and other tags corcerning images are totally messed up. I’ve tried opening my blog thru the said browser and same thing, image placeholders are misplaced, I even tried opening other blogsites and same problem occured. Well, its year 2007, but I’m still using Internet Explorer, I am not really particular with the browser.

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