Mostly Everything

SEMCON 2007 follow up and presentation slides

Talk about following up your SEM strategy – it’s been almost a week since I updated. Right after the two day conference, I headed out to Fort Ilocandia for a business conference with EPSON. Though wireless connection was available during the two day show, SmartBRO prohibited me from accessing the Philippine blogoshpere.

So better late than never: I’d like to thank everyone who attended SEMCON 2007. The event was a huge success, as the number of participants apparently exceeded expectations. Thank you to everyone for staying awake at the “unholy hour” after lunch to listen to my non-conventional approach to web copywriting. As I mentioned during the talk, there are so many tips on the Internet describing how exactly you should go about churning your 2,000 words per day.

After my talk, Anton Diaz reaffirmed my stand on developing a sense of rhythm for your copy. He says that rhythm is, more than artistic – a cultural trait. Filipinos are considered to be good writers because of our colorful musical culture, which according to Inigo and Inaki, is attributed to our Iberian Heritage.

Thank you to those who gave me your business cards. Silly me, I forgot to bring my own. But I have emailed everyone who sent me their contact information. Thank you.

It was a pleasure to meet Aaron Wall and his lovely wife. It was a pleasure to mingle with the other speakers as well. I also had the chance to join Marc, his lovely fiancee and the delegates from Malaysia for some clubbing before my flight. Thank you also to Lourd de Veyra for helping me out with his short audio clip. Of course, many thanks to Anton Sheker, Marc Macalua and the other organizers for SEMCON 2007. This conference can very well turn into what Chris Pirillo’s Gnomedex brings over in the Western side of the globe.

Silly me once more – I included my presentation in the workshop CD but it was saved as an iWork ’08 Keynote file. I tried converting the file to become compatible with MS PowerPoint but there was just a lot of loss in the presentation, especially with some of the effects and the audio, which was key to the presentation.

Not to fret, I saved the file in Quicktime format. You can download my short talk on web copywriting and play it on Quicktime. []

You can also download and listen to the audio file courtesy of BNS Hosting..

P.S. I am building a new page in this blog dedicated solely to list all the talks, seminars and workshops I have given. In this light, I would really appreciate some testimonials if you’ve attended one of mine. These will be published, along with your blog link.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “SEMCON 2007 follow up and presentation slides”

Hey Jayvee! Congrats again on the great talk and Keynote presentation! Learned new ideas.

Question, I tried to open your Keynote presentation on my iBook, but I got a message saying I need a newer version of Keynote. Does this mean buying the new iWork? Thanks.

Lastly, dunno if you still remember, but we worked together in the Palawan Work Camp a million years ago (along with your then classmate Sonny Young, among others). You were still in high school, then.

hi angelo! the keynote presentation opens with iWork ’08. sorry about that. that’s why i included a quicktime download file for those who want to see the presentation in its pure form.

and yeah i remember those days. we were at the nickel mines then building a dam or something! hehe!

I also downloaded your presentation in Quicktime but for some reason it stopped playing after the Signal to Noise audio segment.

Thanks anyway.

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