Mostly Everything

Food bloggers as the new food critics


I wrote a piece for the September issue of Rogue Magazine on “the new food critics,” revealing food and travel bloggers as authorities in the art and science of degustation.

In the 1950’s, the dawning of the food critic gave rise to a certain fear in the food and beverage industry. The New York Times, one of the pioneers in the food writing industry, released a weekly column that reviewed restaurants and hotspots. By the decade, the food critic wielded a powerful pen as reviews could literally make or break a restaurant. [buy the latest September 2007 issue with Cristina Garcia for the rest of the article]

Rogue sells for P180.00 and boasts an impressive lineup of contributors including Andy Maluche, Lourd de Veyra, Yvette Tan, Eggy Tioseco, Arnold Arre, and Quark Henares.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “Food bloggers as the new food critics”

There will never be another Filipino food critique who will parallel the skills of the late Doreen Fernandez.

Perhaps I’m saying this to nudge the food critic and blogger wannabes. Let them know that just because they can speak English, own a computer, and have the power (or nepotism) to publish online and in print, it doesn’t give them the privilege to be called writers. Writers have to go through more than that. Genuine writers study journalism ethics, polish their grammar and spelling, and spend years practicing their art.

We don’t want another Malu Fernandez or another set of People editors who are too lazy to edit and manage their contributors.

correction: re 3rd paragraph of Kate – it’s not FRANCISCO. it’s FERNANDEZ. A lot of people make that mistake and I fear for Francisco’s reputation. She’s a friend of mine and has a stellar reputation in the industry she works in. Kindly make the correction.

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