Mostly Everything

Blogger, remember your roots

Every so often it would be good to reflect on your roots as a blogger and what got you started with writing in the first place. Doing this can help put some perspective in your overall goal of blogging whether it be for fun, for profit or for sharing things with others.

Remembering your roots can also help you avoid unnecessary conflict in the future as it puts a lot of things in perspective. I’d like to share you my roots:


Ah, the nostalgia!

This is where it began. No, really. This is where it began. Even though I had been writing for my personal 20six blog site since 2004, this was where my public blogging life started – where I started to write about technology often both in print and online. That’s Adel Gabot, Howard Paw, Jason de Villa, Poch Bermudez, Art Ilano, and myself — still in pink! This was m|PH magazine on its second year.

This photo session was shot by Dominique james in January 2005.

What about you, blogger? Do you remember your roots?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

20 replies on “Blogger, remember your roots”

I remember my roots. It was to promote my advocacy in grief education. It got me there but along the way I met so many interesting bloggers that led me to other forms of blogging.

Mine was at Harvard Street Cubao at blogspot. Its still up and running. A Diary of Sorts – was the first post followed by Gossip :). A way to get the way out of the hum drum of the information processing world and a voice, albeit a insignigicant one on-line – ie a frustrated writer 🙂

i was cool then because i was the first one in our group to introduce 20six as a blogging platform. at that time it was the only widespread platform (that wasn’t self hosted of course) that allowed you to upload pictures in-house. mwehehehe!

Still growing my roots. I can start by reaching my dearest son thru blog. Hope you don’t mind. I find it a very convenient venue. What do you think???

Although I’ve been on Livejournal for the longest time, I decided to REALLY blog when I discovered that I loved to write and not just rant on emo LJ. Also, I read this.

Hi, Jayvee! Very nice and nostalgic entry. It makes one think and reminisce. I first started at Xanga when I was having this quarter-life crisis then I transferred to blogger and the rest is history!

Great post! I remember my roots, I’ve been blogging on blog-city since 1998– mostly proses and poems. Then i transferred to blogdrive and blogged proses still. Then i transferred to blogspot and blogged about my life in law school. In 2004 i bought my own domain and started several sites which I sold on ebay. Last March 2007, I started a blog with my husband (about living together) but it crashed two weeks ago so we’re starting again. After several free-hosted blogs, change of career paths, a husband, a pregnant belly, travels, transfer from pc to mac, 108 lbs to 139 lbs (as of 6 mos preggy), ebooks i’ve read, hacked iphone, several CA-based clients and 100 shares of Apple, i’m still very much into blogging.

I just feel the need to connect.

I started writing 4 years ago with the intention of digitizing my diary and making it available for me to read and update where ever I go.

Then it became a channel to update my parents who migrated to the US, on the same year.

Like Althea, I too am feeling the need to connect.

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