Mostly Everything

Jayvee’s Quentin Tarantino Experience

So I shuffled over Gateway Mall to meet Quentin Tarantino at the Cinemalaya FIlm Festival. The press had a “meet and greet” session after he gave a four hour seminar on film. Luckily a friend from one of the ABS-CBN magazines needed a photographer so she dragged me along, to my delight. I’d do anything to meet the pulp in the fiction.

Quentin Tarantino has always fascinated me because of his deep appreciation for Asian Cinema. Based on the comments of many of those who attended the four hour talk, they were all fascinated with Tarantino’s familiarity with the development of Filipino cinema, even from the era of the 60’s. Tarantino also stressed how he hates questions like “how was it like working with Uma in Kill Bill” which are things he usually gets in Hollywood. Filipino film students and industry folk were more intelligent throughout the four hour discourse, gladly 🙂

I will say it now that I had a totally different experience!

After waiting in line for an hour, I noticed a minus one being set up in front of the line. After a few minutes one of the organizers started to speak and said “we apologize for the delay but Quentin is suffering from a headache due to the long talk and the jet lag. We’re sorry but we have to cancel this meet and greet session. Quentin will be back later after the next film showing” … which was several hours later.


Frustrated, disappointed and tired, we headed over to the Pink Kitchen Foodfest over at Rockwell as I had complimentary tickets courtesy of Enderun College’s publicist. The wine seminar, good food and good company were a trio of good vibes from the earlier upheaval.

Quentin Tarantino is a man after all. Always thought he was a god of some sort.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Jayvee’s Quentin Tarantino Experience”

Oh well. At least you did not ask him “Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?” 🙂

You see life evens out eventually 🙂

Hi there,
I never thought Quentin would really be here. First of all, the Cinemanila Ads were not as informative as I expected. There was even one ad that didn’t mention where it was going to be held. It just said Cinema 1 or 2 but where?
Anyway, I’m sad that this visit wasn’t given enough publicity. By ‘enough’ poor ‘me’ wasn’t able to go see the guy because of lack of articles about his visit. Was it even on The Buzz?

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