Mostly Everything

“Ultra Cultured Night” — Blogger Wine and Cheese Night

After enjoying a stimulating retreat over at Juned’s place a few nights ago, fellow bloggers Markku and Joey, Gail and Marc have been wondering what the deal was with wine and cheese. In this light, I am organizing a blogger wine and cheese meet up tentatively on the evening of June 29 2007 or sometime in July. I guess this is also a call for help from Christine, Lori, Noemi and I guess the fab women from the Pinoy Moms Network (you know, the guys should start a Pinoy Dads Network… but I digress).

To join, a small contribution of P200.00 will do and this will be used to buy a few bottles of wine, a selection of cheese, and maybe some meats. We could do a selection of red and whites including, but not limited to bottles of Cabarnet Sauvignon, Cabarnet Merlot, Shiraz, and something sparkling. I don’t have a particular venue in mind yet but if someone would be kind enough to lend a house, that would be cool too. We can all talk about highly cultured things such as blogging, link baiting and SEO our search for true meaning and happiness.

Any takers? I’d love to get some help in organizing this event. (Makes a cute gesture over to the Pinoy Moms Network) 🙂

This is actually a cute opportunity for the “tech” bloggers to get to know the “lifestyle” bloggers and for the moms to be able to find potential prom dates for their children come February 2008. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

11 replies on ““Ultra Cultured Night” — Blogger Wine and Cheese Night”

Speaking of which I was just reading a book on wines and spirits and found material on how to set-up a wine tasting event – procedures, table setting, and score cards. Plus a video on wine but it needs to be transferred from vhs to vcd or dvd.

i’ve read somewhere that chocolate is actually good with wine too, if not better than cheese so have those in hand as well. dark chocolate in particular. dammit, i’m drooling just thinking about it. i like Shiraz and Merlot myself.

the proper way of tasting wine is to take a sip, wash your mouth with the wine, then spit. you’re not supposed to drink the unless getting sloshed is the main reason for this event. if that’s the case, well, drink up you lushes. wish i could be there 😉

my gf and i celebrate “wine and cheese holiday”, which we celebrate on the first saturday of february, in place of valentines day… partly because valentines is so commercialised, partly because i hate competing for valentines restaurant space, partly because i hate valentines traffic and parking, partly because everything is overpriced on valentines, partly because valentines is so common and uninteresting… i even have a good spiel for it: wine and cheese are good symbols for love, both start out very simple and plain, milk and grape juice, and over time given the right care, they become exquisite and expensive wine and cheese, symbolising true love that ages and matures and gets better over time =) my senior citizen workmates say it sounds good, not true, but sounds good hehehe… you can have a cheese platter made at santi’s, around php 1500 – 2000, and get a good selection of cheeses and hams, get some crackers and wine, and you can join our wine and cheese holiday revolution =) but you’ll have to pick another day, lest first saturday of feb become as crowded and commercialised as 14 feb =)

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