Mostly Everything

A Change of Email Address and an iRant

This is just a friendly note that for those who have been trying to email me at my .Mac account email address, you will no longer get replies from there as I have decided not to renew it. See my about page if you want to contact me.

If its one thing I do hate about Apple. its the fact that they charge a steep price for a perk that doesn’t even deliver much in terms of value for features. They’re stuck in the old days (late 90’s) where not everyone could put up their own blog for free, buy your own domain and email address, share photos online, backup files, or establish a file sharing system. I can think of dozens of free Web 2.0 services today that outmatch purchasing a .Mac account, and costing you so much less too.

So the switch from a .Mac to a Dreamhost account made perfect sense. I’m paying almost the same yearly price for 160GB versus a measly 512MB of storage and getting over 1TB of bandwidth. I can install all the blogs and forums I want and create unlimited email accounts. The need came when I reached my fourth podcast episode. I felt that I would be needing a lot more space to host my online show, The BuggedCast and half a gig worth of space wouldn’t hack it in the long run.

So adieu, .Mac. It was a fun one year, but I’ve moved on to other things. My priorities have changed, but really, at the end of the day, its not you. It’s me.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “A Change of Email Address and an iRant”

But I thought with an .Mac, you are buying a brand, not a service. It’s like buying crocs at $40 when you can have the same from Baclaran at Php150.

For shelling out 85k, it runs both Windows and OS X. I always believed that Macs make better portables than Windows laptops.

So it isn’t about style mostly.

besides, to consider myself a “tech writer” means I should be proficient in at least 2 operating systems.

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