Mostly Everything

Third Gen MacBooks: Buy now if you’re waiting

So the rumors were indeed true. Apple has upgraded their MacBook line for the third time, giving better “bang for your buck” ratio with the increased HD space and built in 802.11n wireless card.


If you bought a new MacBook last week, then I feel for you man. But if you’ve been waiting to get one, the third generation MacBooks give you Core 2 Duo stability from the second version and a 200GB maxed out HD with a slower spin speed at 4200 rpm. Of course, you can always opt for the smaller HDs. It’s really up to you. I’d be sad if the new MacBooks came with an upgraded Intel GMA graphics chip, but its still pretty much the same thing fro the previous version.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

7 replies on “Third Gen MacBooks: Buy now if you’re waiting”

I think Intel has no plans to update the GMA950, giving more business to NVidia and ATI/AMD.

Now will I buy one?

Tempted to get one for my personal hacking (since I do work on the office Dell Latitude)… but only if I have enough spare time to do those hacks.

oh yeah sorry bout that haha. i dunno.. from what junior tan (apple SG guy) always tells us when he visits, buy the mac if you feel that you really need one now. coz if not, youll just keep on waiting and waiting and waiting for the next best thing to come out.

hey, hey I just bought this macbook. Sad to say, as a Mac virgin, I haven’t really explored and maximised the power of my mac.

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