Mostly Everything

How Tragic!

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I’m at the iBlog 3 Conference now waiting for my turn to talk. How sad, the free WiFi can’t access Friendster! How am I going to add all my new friends?!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

13 replies on “How Tragic!”

That is a good candidate for VPN Tunneling.

Or maybe and use another computers’ screen to access friendster.

Whatever, i hate it when they do that.


Yeah my connection was quite intermittent as well. I’d get page time outs every now and then. YouTube is also blocked.


I saw some attendees who were running YM fine.


Loved your presentation man! Cool slide transitions as well 😉

I saw you playing NDS lite during the mid-day break. I was shy enough to bring out my own NDS in my backpack. Care for a round of golf? lol. Thanks for the great lecture. You were the funniest speaker in iblog3.

hehe, i used to work as a Dilnet SA (a year ago).

Friendster and Youtube, if i remember correctly, can only be accessed during “non-working hours”. Yahoo Messenger can be accessed thru a specific port. Some of my friends use Meebo instead. If the connection is slow, it’s most likely the effect of the enlistment period.

@Tiffany: yeah, and i made a usability study on that “realtime” service. sheesh.

I enjoyed your presentation. 😛 Kulit. Hehe. Oh! And I have a baby-project that I wanna do and might need help when I start up. Is it alright if I run it thru you and get your opinion about it? Thanks. 🙂

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