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You Don’t Know Jack! Goes to the Web


More than ten years ago, our high school group used to come by to one of the homes of friend to swoon over his 486DX rig with Sound Blaster Pro speakers. The speakers were the most important part of the set as we needed them to play a now classic trivia game called You Don’t Know Jack!

Dubbed as Jeopardy with an eccentric twist, YDKJ has reinvented itself into a web based game where you can load up several “episodes” into a flash player. Many aspects of the game were preserved such as the minimalist use of visuals, the quirky announcer with dozens of side comments, the Jack Attack!, and the “DisorDat” segment.

This is definitely a good move for the Jellyvision folk as flash games are becoming cheaper and cheaper to manufacture and distribute over the web, thus making their “innovation” back in the 90’s just some plain old. But YDKJ has carried itself rather easily through several years of cult following so now, it will be easier for you to experience the Jack Attack with friends anywhere with an Internet connection.

A word of caution – you need to play the game show with your speakers turned on for the full You Don’t Know Jack! experience. [via Play Girlz]

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

2 replies on “You Don’t Know Jack! Goes to the Web”

non-related comment…
i forgot your email :p i just need to ask if you know any feature-worthy Manila-based vlogger 🙂 drop me a note. thanks!

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