Mostly Everything

Bayan Telecommunications: RELOADED!


Today I witnessed the press launch for the new and improved Bayan Telecommunications. Yep, they’re back! With a vengeance. Bayan Telecommunications released a consumer satisfaction survey on telcos and they have seen that:

  • 90% of landline, 85% of Internet and 92% of cellphone users have experienced frustrations with their service.
  • Billing problems, slow connections and poor customer care were among those cited as reasons for their frustrations.
  • 25.7% of respondents stated that they are “steaming mad” with communications technology.
  • 45% of Internet, 23% of landline and 32% of mobile phone users in the country have “moderate or higher levels of distrust” for communications service providers.
  • 1 out of 4 Filipinos feel that telecommunications companies in the country have not been able to deliver on their promises.

Get this. The new and improved Bayan Telecommunications will offer rebates on downed services and have invested a sizeable amount just for this:

With a 50-million peso rebate program to back this quick-repair promise, the company assures subscribers that it does not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk. Mr. Fafunwa explains that in their program, if a phone or DSL connection remains un-repaired for more than 24 hours, “a 1-day refund (equivalent to 100 pesos) will be given for every four hours the problem stays unsolved”. If a subscriber’s connection is out for more than 72 hours on the other hand, his or her service fee for the month will be waived. [Quoted from PRESS RELEASE]


In addition to this, Bayan Telecommunications also launched their SPAN service which is basically the “mobile landline” product, allowing you to bring about your landline and do unlimited calls. This is the Zen between mobility and fixed lines.

So Filipinos, what do you think? Will this PHP 50,000,000.00 rebate program of the new and improved Bayan Telecommunications (note that they have done a name overhaul also from “Bayantel”) prove to be the competency that will push them ahead of the other competitors? Or is it a bit sketchy?

Leave a comment 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “Bayan Telecommunications: RELOADED!”

Quite interesting, I’m thinking of switching to a new dsl provider and Bayantel..errr Bayan could be a good choice.

That rebate program of theirs is very tempting.

I am on their SkyDSL product and so far have not had the chance yet to avail of the moneyback guarantee. They usually get to fix things before 24 hours. They also apply rebates when connections are shaky even if you don’t apply for the rebates. They gave rebates for the Milenyo outage and for erratic connections a couple of months back.

So that explains why the billing statement I received yesterday has a strange Bayan logo on it.

I switched from SmartBro to SkyDSL. The latter definitely offer much faster connection and better customer support.

Telephone Lines Down? Get A Rebate!…

Seems like Bayantel has re branded itself to address the needs of the Philippine Telco Consumer market. The new and improved Bayan Telecommunications will offer rebates on downed services and have invested a sizeable amount just for it….

would be nice if someone in the mobile phone business does this too… and throw in minimal red tape and waiting time to get simple things done… globe and smart service really suck, i’m with globe now because of a lack of better options and this is the path of least resistance, which is not to say there is little resistance, no not at all

i’m a bayandsl subscriber for almost 5 years and i got 15-48 hours of no service every 2 months. but this year 3x in every 2 months my dial tone and dsl got no service for 24-72 hours.
this is how their technician operates. the technician will usually arrived 18 hours after you made your call. 10 percent of the time it will be fix there and then but usually they will say they will check it and you have to wait for another 5-24 hour for the internet to come back on. so you got got almost 2 days of no connection without rebate. the’re really good at avoiding the rebates. but this year 2x their technician had arrived 36 hours later. check my connection then you i had to wait for your 18 hours for them to come back. so that is almost 3 days right, and certainly eligible for a rebate right?. you’ll call their csr and they will ask you to call the next day giving you a report number. i’d call the next day and they say my rebate has not been approved. i never had a rebate with bayan dsl. and i never had full 2 months without non service.
lumaki pa reconnection fee. yung 1899 subscription 336 pesos. dati wala pa 30 pesos yan -kahit malimutan mo magbayad ok lng. iclick lng namn ng mouse para maibalik connection.

madali lng malaman kung corrupt mga politicians. nasaan ang consumer protection. bayan dsl will be meralco 2.0.

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