Mostly Everything

Taberna Ocho and Blogging


Dropped by Taberna Ocho last night with friends. I’ve been really curious about this place, based on the epic stories told to me by friends and its owners. After driving through Sikatuna Village, I noticed the signature blue hue on the left, a sign that we had reached our drinking destination (and what a relief because the car was about to overheat).

First, why “OCHO?”

Call it corny. Call it uninspired. But we call it apt for that particular moment when the bar was conceptualized. There were eight of us, and eight was lucky as far as the Chinese are concerned. A billion people can’t be wrong about that, don’t you think?


Apart from the blue lights, what grabbed my attention was the prominently placed OCHO BLOG address on the bar signage. Not that this is a new concept, but it is quite rare for small establishments to have an active running blog advertised to the world. This is actually a good thing because a running blog emotes the following:

  • that a lot of things are happening at Ocho worth writing about
  • that there is a sense of community among the patrons of Ocho (quite true as when I dropped by, I eyed several people from the Philippine IT industry)
  • that the owners are geeks 🙂


Some of the food shots I took include the signature “Sashimi ni Leo” and the Gran Matador (is this the correct name? Owners, please correct me!).

Where is Taberna Ocho located?

Taberna Ocho, 162 Maginhawa Street, Sikatuna Village, Quezon City.

* 0921.6743476
* 0922.8185114

You can also view the map here.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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