Mostly Everything

The Niche No One Dares Touch: Personal Finance

Compare the number of technology, anime and political bloggers to the number of financial analysis and wealth management blogs in the Philippines. No comparison. Personal finance, I feel, is a topic best left written by people who have the “K” to write about managing wealth because they actually practice it.

Welcome to Money Smarts, the personal finance blog of This blog is especially useful for yuppies who want to save, actually have the capacity to save, but don’t end up saving because the best idea they can think of is placing their savings in a savings account. (I’m going to change my mode to the first person now because I’m one of these “hopeless yuppies” who are dying to know the best way to manage and accumulate wealth)

This blog is for those who want to know the ingredients, who want to be inspired by other Pinoys who give the rat race a kick on the butt, and for those who are already financially independent but want to coach some people along the way. This is a blog for Pinoys who want to be money-smart, not just rich, and for Pinoys who understand that the best way to focus on that goal is to help each other.

Money Smarts is written by the famous Salve Duplito. What I love about this blog is that it is going to become more of a conversation than an article piece as Salve encourages readers to become case studies in her blog posts:

I am also going to put so-called financial tips under the microscope and report to you if they really work in Money Myth Busters. (Do you have a tip you want me to test? E-mail me.)

Lastly, I’m looking for an individual (better if a couple) who wants to discuss his financial goals with me and, reality TV-style, record in this blog his journey to that goal with the aid of financial planning experts. (If you want to be this person, e-mail me!)

You can reach Salve’s public mail at lightdream at gmail dot com

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “The Niche No One Dares Touch: Personal Finance”

hey jayvee, been reading your blog and surprise! i found this entry hehe. thanks ha. im not too sure about the “famous” part, but im sure we can handle more tips on how to help students to save AND invest AND be entrepreneurs. thanks for your support, really appreciate it.

…as Salve encourages readers to become case studies in his blog posts

– peace man but you must’ve overlooked the masculine pronoun there.

nice blog anyway. :))

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