Mostly Everything

Philippines Eleksyon 2007 Series: The Podcast

Yesterday we had candidate Atty Aquilino Pimentel III over at the office to record the first in the series of podcasts of senatorial candidates for elections this May 2007.

In a podcast that lasted more than an hour, Pimentel, a lawyer who is running for senator as a member of the Partidong Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan or PDP-Laban, under the grand opposition coalition, gamely answered all questions thrown by the editors and reporters of led by editor in chief JV Rufino and Breaking News editor Lynette Luna. [source]

This is a monumental event for Philippine voters around the world as you will never have the chance to hear your senatorial pick talk for more than an hour about pressing issues. TV and radio will not allow you to do this, but with new media efforts being hastened by local media, this is now possible. Joey Alarilla talks about this more in his blog. Infotech reporter Erwin Oliva reflects well on how new media is changing the job description.

Atty Koko Pimentel III is our first guest and I’m as excited as ever to listen in on the other candidates so that we can make a more informed choice this coming May. You can listen in here.

This is indeed good news!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

6 replies on “Philippines Eleksyon 2007 Series: The Podcast”

Its interesting to observe just how seriously other candidates would consider podcasting to improve their chances.

can’t wait for richard gomez’s.

or sonia roco’s.

“Hi, Im Sonia Roco. Please vote for me. Im the widow or Raul Roco and I hate GMA. Bow.”

That senatoriable sounds like a boring law professor – well he in fact is one. He said nothing new bah. Unsolicited advice to the interviewers, talk slowly and try not to inunciate too much. This election podcast idea is hardly monumental, kudos though for offering it. Also please tell the designers of to go easy on copying’s web design, it really quite obvious.

more than one hour? that might be a bit too long. nevertheless…

while this is a HUGE step forward for news dissemination (and it shows off the candidate’s views and intellect FAR more than tv or radio commercials would), it still means only the educated people will get to hear these podcasts. how will it affect the overall outcome? how will these be made available to the “masa”?

if it helps, please suggest to inquirer to print out excerpts from the podcast on print.. or something else. gah. i dunno.

please note this is not to bash the efforts of podcasting. just wanna comment that the politic arena and voters mentality in the philippines is very much in need of a makeover. *sorry, also in a bad mood right now*

Actually when I type the word “Philippine Eleksyon 2007” @ Google Your site comes first and mine 2nd . You bit me. 🙂 Anyway. you have a very nice site. But I thnik your site is not yet been crawled by Yahoo.

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