Several months ago, I ventured into the blogging industry in the same way that you drive down a dark road with your headlights on: you don’t see the entire road, but the lights in front reassure you that you’re on the right road. And on that journey I met several others who were learning the very same ropes of the international and local blogging scene, SEO optimization and the business model behind blogging. By the metaphysical rules of attraction, goodness tends to attract what is alike. So now we come to the crux of the matter.

On the last week of January, we are planning to organize a huge blogger meet up. This is similar to the first Blogcon we held back in 2006, where we had a very good attendance. It is a follow up from the first meet where we can focus more on community building.
Several groups (media and PR) have been asking me personally if “your group” would be open to campaigns. “My group?” I don’t have a group. It just so happens that the ladder ranking system of blogs will by its very nature have more people being in the forefront of things. But I believe that this should trickle to other Filipino bloggers who produce content just as good or even better than those who are already known.
All bloggers who are open to meeting up with fellow bloggers. As Abraham put it, you are opento have your own agenda in these blogging meets, but the overall goal is to learn, share and have fun meeting the people behind the blogs. We want to see what we have, what we can do, and how we can do things. Vague, yes. But we have to start from somewhere.
We have organizing committees which we have set during the Christmas blogger meet up. The criteria is simple: you should be an active blogger and you should have time to set this up. I will be heading the “find a venue” committee. If you won’t have time to help out in the logistics, maybe you can help donate logistics in the form of cash, raffle prizes, or a venue preferably in the Makati or Ortigas area.
Do you have a personal agenda?
Don’t we all? But honestly, yes! Let us say that I am in the market for finding good bloggers. More on this soon.
10 replies on “We Have an Idea. Do You Want to be a Part of it?”
Hey venue boy.
I’ll be taking care of the welcoming committee. Please ask whoever is interested to contact me 
I’m a sponsor and I can add in a raffle prize. If you need help on logistics, I can also help.
sayang, will be missing it!
hmm so it begins…
This is great news, excited na ako dito.
What about somewhere in Quezon City, like Eastwood or the like? Makati is a long drive from my place. And most blogger meetups have been held in the southern parts of Metro Manila!!! Heheh.
Anyway, I’m interested!
I’ll be there – I actually have advanced notice this time around. You’ll probably see me hiding behind a camera again…
I hope it’s a Friday or Saturday night…we 8- to-5ers would love that.
@everyone: Shouldn’t we make a Blogcon2007.blogspot as a central portal for the event? And maybe a banner link or two so we can post them in our sites and everywhere we can (no spamming of course)..
i won’t be around, but i hope you can put some measures in place so that overseas filipino bloggers (OFBs?!) can still participate.
i’d also be interested in contributing a raffle prize (ok na kaya yung $100?), but there would have to be a convenient way of transferring the money. i don’t quite remember the exact details, but paypal is up diba? which way does the money flow? i know angelo was complaining it wasn’t both ways…
[…] Good Googler friend Aileen asked me if I’m going to the blog parteeh. I am not officially invited (but that really hasn’t stop me from crashing parties before – just kidding). If I understand it, there is an open invite to bloggers who are willing to “meet up with fellow bloggers“. I want to go. […]