- The Wii complements / replaces your gym membership. After playing tennis, bowling and baseball for more than 40 minutes, I was literally tired from swinging the controller simulating the real thing.
- You won’t have a hard time selling the idea of a console to non-gamers in the family. A living room with 4 controllers makes for a good game of doubles in tennis. A game of bowling has never been more fun in your very own living room. You can simulate the entire experience of being in a real bowling alley with chips, drinks, music and gab while waiting for the next guy’s turn to bowl.
- The roll out for the online store, additional information channels (news, weather, etc) is still in the works and they look promising. There is also a virtual “Mii” world as well as a SD/MC card reader for viewing and editing pictures.
- You can play Nintendo Gamecube games on the Wii, as well as attach the old skool Gamecube controllers if you are after the “traditional way” of playing games.
- It is so darn cheap at $250.00. Controllers cost $60.00 a piece ($40 for Wiimote and $20 for nunchuck). Games are $50.00 a pop. Nintendo supposedly includes a one year international warranty also.
Update: The Wii is now cheaper at only $200.00 and will come in a variety of colors. The Wiimote strap can also be replaced to something sturdier. Just call Nintendo customer service. Eat your heart out PS3!