Mostly Everything

My father, the blogger

A lot of my dad’s friends and relatives say that I took after him in a variety of ways. My dad was a Quill Awardee for Journalism, an AIM Professor and a enthusiast film photographer for several coffee table books (does Images of Manila ring a bell?) and photo exhibits by the Camera Club of the Philippines (we often argue because he is a die hard Nikon guy and I’m a Canon dude). He is also a golfer, an animal lover and he has numerous experiences with training and development, the mining industry and a bunch of other stuff I’m not really sure about. Time to pimp my dad. Hire him now as a consultant!

So that’s me and him – writer, photographer, teacher … perhaps the only thing I didn’t get was his banker abilities. He used to work with the government’s Central Bank and the now defunct Far East Bank and Trust Company. And now without further delay, my dad has resurrected his old column which he used to do for the Philippine Star titled Beyond the Bottom Line. You can read my dad over here.

I’m acting as blog admin for Beyond Bottom Lines (nicknamed BBL) and so far installed the Cutline WordPress theme from Chris Pearson. I haven’t really moved the headers around yet but will soon do after we figure out what to put.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “My father, the blogger”

You have my honest respect honoring your father this way. I think parents can’t whish for anything more than a child telling them, that they did it right.

After renovating your garden for your folks, now you bond with your Daddy through blogging.

You will are a good son.

Attention ladies: Son-in-law material here =)

PS: Whatever happened to your mascot?

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