Mostly Everything

The Garden that Blogging Landscaped

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This is the new garden where most of the soil was put back in place, the tree chopped up and part of it turned to chairs and the entire garden was cleaned up. The gate was also widened to allow for a bigger opening to let people in.

Our garden took one for the team when “billboard destroyer” Milenyo came a couple of weeks ago. Our 30 year old mango tree was uprooted and fell onto our sala. Our huge chestnut cookers which we use as goldfish bowls were also knocked over. The garden has looked liked a mess for the longest time and my mom was horribly worried that she could not fix it in time for when her sisters came back from the USA this Christmas. Both my parents are happily retired so a sudden expense like this would be a huge blow on their pockets.

The total damage was $300.00 ++ (PHP 15,000 ++) for the entire landscape project. Because the number one girl in my life is still my mom (aww), I decided to buy her an early Christmas gift and made a huge contribution to her garden revival fund. Note I didn’t pay for the whole thing but I advanced slightly more than 2/3 of the fund.

Here are some pictures right after the eye of Milenyo …
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I may be really far away from the house that blogging bought and even the car that blogging bought, but I’m proud to say that blogging did help me landscape a garden. One day, it will pay for my future home’s down payment and wedding!

Up next: the Christmas gifts that blogging bought! I’m starting to get that warm, fuzzy feeling …

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “The Garden that Blogging Landscaped”

wow, napaka-sweet na anak!

“One day, it will pay for my future homeÒ€ℒs down payment and wedding!”

— that’s the spirit! the way you are going at problogging, i’m sure that will really happen one day. πŸ˜€

That probably cost you around 1/20 of your monthly blogging take or less, didn’t it =) My hats off to you for having a kind heart. Your parents raised a good son.

1/20? of course not πŸ™‚ it was a sizeable amount to be honest. contrary to popular belief, i do not make a truckload of money, not yet :

I remember your story about you guys picking up the fish blown out of the pond and putting them back. Thanks to Milenyo, you also discovered how long fish can survive away from water. πŸ˜†

Night shots of the garden is so awesome. Jayvee had indeed gone a long way. Someday I might just see your name in a one-man photo exhibit, and I can proudly say to myself, “hey, I know this guy…”

Far is if only you thought you can not get it, be sure that you’ll get whatever you want. I myself, 2 years ago did’nt even thinking to EARN money online, now I have car, canon DSLR, wife (ehm), child.. I’m heading for a house..

KEep in efforts!!

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