Mostly Everything

HIP gets into blog network buzz

hip blog network.jpg

So the cat is out of the bag. Adel Gabot and I had the privilege to be interviewed by Erwin Oliva for an article in today’s Infotech section of INQ7.

Adel Gabot, group editor at HIP, said the “print as a medium” is in transition. Thus HIP is working on integrating their specialized magazines with an online counterpart. “Both mediums will feed on each other,” he added. (source)

Apart from the blog network, Adel also talked about the tag mobile service which HIP is offering with our magazines. Currently these blogs are now up and running:

Mobile Philippines
PC Magazine Philippines
GAME! Magazine

Golf Digest Philippines
F&B World and Baking Press
BURN Magazine

I would like to mention that behind the corporate blog network are several talented people working on content, the backend and sales. Apart from our fantastic corporate sales team and editorial department, there are several other guys and gals who have made this project possible.

First and foremost is our GM and Editorial Director Poch Bermudez who gave Adel and I the chance to make this a reality. It didn’t take much convincing to allow the staff to take on this project, which is something very new and untraditional. Poch really believed in this project. One blog wasn’t enough for us. It had to be a whole network.

There are other mavens involved at the backend. Apart from Adel who was very supportive of the late nights we spent developing this from scratch, I would like to acknowledge Abe Olandres who serves as our SEO and monetization consultant. A good friend and an acclaimed expert in the Philippine blogging scene, Abe has garnered several speaking engagements abroad on blogging as a medium for content.

There is also Gail de la Cruz, award winning WordPress theme designer, who designed our fantastic templates. I mentioned her work previously in this post:

One cool use of categories, as I have learned, is for moving stuff around in a portal-style layout. Award-winning WordPress web designer Gail redesigned our Mobile Philippines site and we made use of a three tier information architecture design. We based the tiers on level of importance, from announcements to editorials to reviews. For those who choose not to view the site through a portal, they can choose the traditional “inverse chronological order” style by clicking on the BLOG tab.

Lastly, I would like to point out that we are utilizing Markku Seguerra’s homegrown iPAP Gallery for our photo gallery. Markku is a great photographer and the overlord of RebelPixel Productions.

Behind all the CSS and plugins, the HIP Portal is a testament of Filipino talent from the backend, to design and content. This is something I am truly proud of and I’m looking forward to the next several months as this network grows horizontally and vertically.

The Hinge-Inquirer Publications Portal and corporate blog is located here.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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