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Crocs shoes in the Philippines: the gender debate

Today I decided to buy myself an advanced birthday gift (November 3 for those of you who feel generous!). I have been eyeing a pair of Crocs for the past three weeks. With eyeing came the resistance to buy, mainly because of the slightly hefty price tag of about P1,700.00 to P2,900.00.

crocs shoelaces.jpg

I finally bought a pair today after checking out their latest Islander design, a “return to topsiders” look of blue and beige (other two tone colors available). So, what do you think? It’s back to topsiders with a new, modern look.

Now here’s the thing. In the three weeks that I’ve contemplated on getting a pair, I’ve received many reactions from the male and female populance about these footwear. In general, the girls hate them. The guys just love ’em.

Female arguments against Crocs

  • They are unflattering
  • They are too expensive (okay, and do you hear us say things about your Havaianas??!)
  • They are too big
  • The holes make the shoes look a bit dorky
  • Male arguments for Crocs

  • They are very very comfortable, like your entire foot is being massaged
  • The holes make the shoes look so cool
  • You can wet them and they will still be okay
  • C’mon, we’re actually raving about shoes. Can’t you let us be for once?
  • Here’s my final argument why most men want a pair. Unlike women that can get away with wearing slippers to work, men cannot. Crocs are the closest thing to ultra comfortable footwear without having to look like slippers or sandals. Get it? Okay, everyone happy!

    By Jayvee Fernandez

    Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

    He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

    88 replies on “Crocs shoes in the Philippines: the gender debate”

    Girls who say crocs are “unflattering” obviously haven’t seen the Crocs Prima 😛

    Wow, Crocs is finally reinventing themselves! 🙂 Those shoes are cute! 🙂

    Wow…we have shoes with little holes now? That’s a first for me. My first impression: Im not a fan. Sorry. But, you know, it’s your feet, so what others say shouldnt bother you much. Wear ia lot so people will get used to it.

    >> Crocs are the closest thing to ultra comfortable footwear without having to look like slippers or sandals.

    True. But for me, Birkenstock sandals = comfort. Yun lang nga, they’re sandals.

    If I do get a pair of Crocs, it’ll be Jayvee’s fault 😛

    the women here are divided on that. in general, tweens/girls like it. women above 30 wear it. i’ve seen some teens ‘contemplate’ on it, but never buy it.

    my friend wears it all the time, and she swears they’re really comfy. i was thinking of getting a pair, too (they look nice for summer, i guess) but it’s getting cold here — i need boots! 😛

    syanga pla, advance happy bday!

    when I first saw the photo, I liked it. Don’t mind what others say. As long as you are comfortable with your shoes, our opinions don’t matter. The price is reasonable for such quality shoes. That’s about the cost of sneakers as well.

    I’, a recent Crocs convert. My wife … the Unofficial Cook … has had a pair for months and loves them but at first I thought they were just too funny looking. I also didn’t see how anything so floppy could be comfortable.

    Well I went for a beige pair of the open moccasin style (not at all interested in the type with a lace-up top, seems to destroy the whole rationale of the show … and wow! Except for the fact they are often to cool for Colorado I can’t believe I have waited so long. I’ll cure the temperature problem when we make our move to the Philippines end of the month and I intend to go back and get a spare pair to take with also … for when I wear this first pair out.

    men … and women … get with the program, they are everything they are claimed to be, and a bit more.

    you know, after one day wearing this, i just MIGHT get myself a second pair.. the black one that look like leather shoes. 🙂

    but not now, maybe for christmas 😉

    errr… shoes? i get whatever i see in the shoe rack. mine? my brother’s? my dad’s? as long as it fits. for me tsinelas is the way to go. they are cheap and the most comfortable.

    eyy! sama me sa shopping!!! libre ba pa-shopping markku? hehehe.

    cute shoes! 😀 nakakaaliw. you have a shoe and strainer in one! wehehehe seriously though, it’s cute. you better not show that to marc, or he’ll probably want to buy one for himself!!!!

    hahaha i prefer the ballet flats or the closed clogs. (not such a big fan of all the holes)

    best thing about crocs is that they come in such cute colors 😀 and they’re super comfy.

    id rather shell out 1000+ php on a pair od crocs than a pair of sparkly havianas.

    didn’t know it reached the shores of pinas by now, but when i was in singapore last august, my tita said it was going to be the next big thing (both in pinas and singapore, or even anywhere else) in the world of footware.

    at one point i also thought, boy, they look dorky! haha but after that i got one pair.

    but YES, it’s über-comfy! and now after seeing the design you posted, i’m regaining the hope to, yes, get the closest to wearing slippers to work (when i return to pinas, at least).

    thanks for the post! it enlightened me. and kept me glued to what’s on in pinas. 🙂


    i have a pair of beach crocs in purple 🙂 and they are unbelievably comfy..

    but i also like athens (their flip flops) and the prima (their version of ballet flats) in gold and silver..

    for guys, my favorite is the black professional 🙂 they almost look like real shoes 😀

    Hmm. Not for me. I’m more of a sneakers guy. Try the Jack Purcell Converse sneakers. Nice looking and very comfortable (cheaper too) if that’s your thing. For P1,700-2,900, that’s actually already reasonable compared to other brands, and to the amount girls spend on numerous pairs of shoes.

    Crocs are available in:

    1. True Value
    2. Planet Sports
    3. Rustans (most complete)
    4. Nothing But Water

    so far these are the stores I have seen them in.

    The Graphika Manila presscon with Joshua Davis marks the first time I ever saw shoes like these. My first thought: they look interesting, and comfortable. My second thought: they just might pass my office attire requirements (we’re not allowed to wear slippers or sandals, but any type of closed shoes are theoretically fine).

    Then my artist friend who was accompanying me to Graphika Manila — and yes, she’s female — whispered to me, “I find his shoes disturbing.”

    Crocs convert here as well! I hated them when I saw them first on TV, but boy, did my mind change when I got a pair as a gift from the girlfriend! hehe

    She hates ’em, but she decided to give me a pair. Puzzling… Anyway, I got 3 pairs of Aspens now.

    three?! I only have two, but yeah, it does get a bit addicting. I want to buy one or two more pairs. How’s the Islander working out? Do you wear it with socks? I think it would look weird with or without ’em. hehe

    I have two Aspens as of now.

    i’ve been looking for a pair as well. but really can’t decide which one to buy. the last pair i bought was a leather swatch topsider-like with pink stitches years back. i’m still using it. where did you get your pair?

    pricing Crocs as a Hi-end product its the
    most stupid think ,it is gold sandals?
    Of course not,just EVA sandals
    So,why pay this exorbitant price?

    I was adamant to buy it at first, but since thee rainy season is on, I got one for me and my son. I would rather spend Php2350 than soak my leather shoes on muddy rainwater.

    After wearing and it going around the neighborhood, I knew I made the right decision. The shoes are very comfortable!

    It’s expensive for what it really is: ugly plastic. lol I’d rather buy a pair of sneakers at that price. I don’t like it, but I don’t criticize others for wanting it. I enjoy Birkis although they look like utter crap. lol My dad owns one, heck, my whole family has one, all except me. haha

    Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but these shoes caused a few accidents to kids. Try searching these in google: ‘crocs, accidents, children’.

    For those accidents, I think the parents are to be blamed. We cannot blame Crocs just because the children stuck their feet at the escalators. Parents should see to it that their children are well taken care of. I have a pair of Mary Jane and I love it. Ultimate comfort for my feet.

    Crocs are perfect! Everything you want in a footwear is in a pair of Crocs, they’re expensive and ugly!…

    I haven’t seen all the other styles of Crocs but talking about the traditional/classic Crocs, I really think it looks funny on adults. It reminds me of Ronald McDonald’s dorky big red shoes 😉 Kids can get away with looking cute in Crocs though 🙂

    The cross between topsiders and classic Crocs is too baffling a sight for me hehe. But I guess you guys are mainly raving about how amazingly comfortable the Crocs are. Well, whatever floats your boat 🙂 After all, I’m sure you guys are baffled just the same as to why women torture themselves with wearing pointy high-heeled shoes 😉

    there is really something queer about the way they look. and it does look dorky.

    but people also that they are good for your feet. i considered buying a pair of crocs (prima) before.. but found it quite hard to look for an outfit that will actually look good with it.

    my boyfriend has a green one though. and he adores his crocs.

    i was semi-attracted to Crocs at first and decided to try on a pair of knock offs in white at OTTO shoes since they were only selling it for php150. why the heck not, eh? I never wore anythin else out of the house other than them thangs! They were so comfy and i couldnt care if i waded them thru flood water! Just made sure the straps slings were on so i dont slip and slide and lose em coz they do float!!! hehehe… I wore the same pair on a recent trip to Kuala LUmpur and it just made all that walking a joy…( not to mention the hottie US sailor i was walking hand in hand with haha!) He asked if my Crocs were genuine ones or knock offs! PROUDLY announced they were the best knocks ever!!!
    He called them Gators!!!

    The white pair i got just matches with every piece of clothing i have! I THINK GUYS LOOK SEXY IN THEM THANGS!

    My birthday is comin up in a few days and i wanna get me an original pair in white and another nice neutral color! THEY ROCK!

    Im a sneakers kinda gal…and i dont have sexy feet to parade in havaianna flip flops…Crocs just gave new life to my bare feet! yey!

    My husband and I love Crocs, we both have 2 pairs and yes I have to agree you cannot wear your crocs to work, kahit itago mo pa siya sa pants, my hubby also wants to wear it eh.

    The reason why Crocs are popular is because celebrities USED to wear tehm, just like with Havaianas. That and the price range elevated it to “the comfiest and hassle-free shoes ever”. Designwise, it sucks. Ergonomically, it’s average. In terms of user-friendly, it’s normal. Anybody who praises Crocs like it’s the best casual shoes HAVE NOT experienced Brazil-made, user- and office-friendly loafers, flats, heels, mules, etc. Promise, there are better worlds than Crocs. Btw, Havaianas is China in quality. The prints on Banana Peel flip-slops(China-made), come to think of it, are more wear-resistant than Havaianas.

    Thank god some people have seen the light. Those things are terribly ugly. I mean seriously, ugly. It’s a fad that NEEDS to die. no, please don’t argue. It’s a fad. They’re ugly as sina nd some schmuck celeb wore them and people were like oooh, hot shit.

    And it’s not even a gender debate. I love shoes, especially sneakers! I feel like a girl because I can’t stop buying them, so it has nothing to do with that.

    Crocs are fugly, straight up. And at the price they’re selling? Seriously, go take a girl out to a nice restaurant. That’ll get you a lot farther than these ugly things.

    what is wrong with you. your claims are fucked up. of dumb fuck men like you want crocs not me!!! you are the bane of the human race. i wish u a slow an painful death.

    just to try a new one, that’s my reason for buying crocs. it’s so comfy. u don’t have to argue about how it looks. maybe that guy hasn’t tried one>:)

    just to try a new one, that’s my reason for buying crocs. it’s so comfy. u don’t have to argue about how it looks. maybe that guy hasn’t tried one Thank you 🙂

    I have been thinking of getting a pair last May 2008. But I postponed it dahil gagastusin ko na lang ang pera sa The North Face for my Kota Kinabalu climb. Months past, nakabalik na ako… until nahulog ako sa hagdanan ng Ateneo de Davao University Library. That time, naisip ko ang Crocs. I should get a pair na. And just last week, bought a Prima. Gosh, they’re soooooooooooooooooooo comfortable.

    got my self a pair of crocs off roads, they’re so compfortable. It’s like your old old cotton shirt with holes that you can’t just can’t let go of… it’s so “a guy thing” more function than form.

    My husband and I love Crocs, we both have 2 pairs and yes I have to agree you cannot wear your crocs to work, kahit itago mo pa siya sa pants, my hubby also wants to wear it eh.

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