Killer name for that killer blog event

A few months back, a few Filipino bloggers wanted to organize a “bloggers for bloggers” event similar to Gnomedex. Of course, Gnomedex was sponsored by Lockergnome which meant they had the resources to pull this off. At that time, we were looking for a sponsor for this type of event which would be geared more towards serious bloggers, which basically allude to adjectives like: prolific, stat-crazy, and “pro-.”

So here we are, and guess what? We may finally have a sponsor for this event to be held in a few weeks. The first item on the agenda is to think of a KILLER NAME for this event. Any suggestions?

Band of Bloggers is out. Some other suggestions include:

1. Blogcon
2. Philblog
3. Philippine Blog Summit
4. Father Abe-raham and the Pinoy Top Bloggers

Note that this is a bit different from the iBlog Summit that is held once a year. This event will be a bit more targeted towards specific problogging and blog optimization topics.

Leave a comment for suggestions. 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

13 replies on “Killer name for that killer blog event”

blogcon sounds nice, straight to the point. Philippine Blog Summit sounds “official,” if you know what i mean…

that is, unless you guys want to have people try to guess what it is?

“blogcon” would be nice although the “con” suffix it is usually used for conference.


Philippine BlogMeet
Philippine Blog Meetup
Pinoy Bloggers
The Blog Meet 2006

baka me less serious convention e pede gamitin mga suggestments (WTF!) ko lol.

@driver ng bayan – mali nga bilang ko ahahaha. i think i was absent the day they counted after 5. or google bots ate #6. lol

sarap mag join dito! cgurado skyrocket PR ninyo. kidding aside, i hope the event is a success. (at dami pakain courtesy of *cough*adsense*cough*)

blogcon sounds nice, but if you’re really “serious,” i think you need a name that will instantly differentiate it from iblog.

my suggestion: pro-blog (vs anti-blog? LOL!)

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