Mostly Everything

Blogging Dinner Aftermath

Running time was from about 5:00PM to past 10:00PM. Restaurants revolved from afternoon coffee in Starbucks Metrowalk to sisig and beer at Aysee’s to Iceberg’s for dessert. It was a great meet considering we only had a week to announce it. Anton, Ka Edong, Markku, Abe, and Vespinoy all came.

They all wrote about their individual experiences in their respective blogs. You can check out some of the pictures from Markku’s photo gallery.

Things I learned:

1. Masarap pa rin ang Aysee’s
2. Single si Abe. Apply na kayo, blogger gals!
3. A 50mm lens can do wonders
4. Tsismis outweights SEO

Thanks to Markku’s wonder dSLR (yes the wonder of 50mm lenses), he took one of my best portraits. I hope to borrow it for use in blogging profile pictures. (Hope its ok!)

In return, I took one for him:

Naks, gwaping! Most pictures can be found here.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Blogging Dinner Aftermath”

[…] I was supposed to meet with some friends in the evening and drop by the bloggers’ dinner Jayvee and Abe came up with. In the morning I met a client in the morning at Glorietta, then another at Megamall, then another one in Gateway. I was bone-tired by the afternoon (well, at least you can say that I made good use of the MRT train!). By the time I got home around 4pm, I had to take a nap before doing my freelance work which I planned to tinker with a little before meeting up with my friends and the bloggers. […]

Waah, talagang may picture ko. Hehehe. Gusto mo send ko fullsize nung portrait mo? 😉

Next na EB, photoshoot/inuman na lang tayo. 🙂

… maybe by that time meron na din kamig 2 ng camera 😉

i found a second hand 50mm lens actually. 🙂

mahal kasi camera eh 😉

let us schedule the next meet already. dami nagtatanong

@rico – sked na sked na!

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