Mostly Everything

The Magic Three

I’m predicting a record high for my blog this month. In terms of stats, I’ve had the following unique user pageviews:

January – 1541 users
February – 1189 users
March – 508 users (as of March 7 2006)

Wow, whatta way to go. So who’s driving traffic? Thanks to AW stats installed on my blog, I’ve got a fairly detailed account of who’s driving traffic to me. Well here they are, A Bugged Life’s Top Three Hits Sources:

Third place is goes to my high school and college friend Denise Albert. Though she doesn’t update as often as before, people still flock to her site. There, I found a picture where she looks like Jim Carey. Heehee.

Second place goes to the amazing Pam Pastor of 2Bu! and Super! She’s usually up till 3AM finishing her sections. I can relate. Pam blogs about .. well everything! She keeps a step by step account of what she did during the day. And here’s her most overused picture too. She owes me coffee.

First place goes to singer / model / artist Ala Paredes! Funny thing was, it took just one post for Ala to drive two quintillion jillion readers to my site. All she did was say we shot her for m|PH. Ala, you should reallly start charging people for links.

Note that there are several more people who’ve contributed significantly to traffic for the past three months. Let me name some: Jason de Villa, (the other) Cat Juan, Dickoy Magdaraog, Joey Alarilla (!!), Abe Olandres (Yuga), Fozzy, Dario.

Plus many more! All of you have contributed to bugging my life! Congratulations!

SPAMtastic !!!!

Wow! Look at what people are saying about my blog:

I am so impressed with this blog. I totally agree, in my humble opinion. Make sure you post often.Blog away!.

I can’t believe how nice this site is. Not everyone has to totally agree, but I certainly do. If you don’t mind I will back to visit.I will spread the good word.

Very impressive blog. I totally agree, in my humble opinion. I hope to see this site for a long time.Thank you so much.

I am jealous of this blog. I love the content on this blog. I will add your site to my favorites.Great job.

How can I get an RSS feed on this blog? I am new to this and really like the content being discussed here.

I must be doing the right thing because Blogger Idol seems to be getting the same comments. W00t!

the need to catch the next [online] wave

How many of you have actually gone to a wireless hotspot, logged onto the net, and then suddenly get sucked into your browser, ignoring the friends you made time to go out with in the first place?

In Butch Dalisay’s latest Penman column for the Star, he writes about the WiFi phenomenon that’s hitting the Philippines. There’s a hotspot in every coffee shop, mall and high end resto in the metro. It’s like as if we really need it!

Scary thing is that nowadays, with how fast our lives go, we actually do need it. We actually need to rush to the nearest coffee shop to send email. To turn in a story. To mail those pictures. To call that client via VoIP.

I was elated to have found that Butch made reference to a piece I wrote some time ago about WiFi and social norms.

In what’s become an odd downside to wi-fi, people in cafés now talk less to each other where there’s wireless to go and a laptop to play with. As happens in many of our PhilMug “wala lang” meetings, half a dozen geeks might trot out their machines on a long table, order drinks, and start chatting with absent friends or even each other – on wi-fi. As tech writer Jayvee Fernandez notes in one of the best-produced tech blogs to have emerged recently at The AfterMac, “WiFi as a social concept, at least here where I’m from, is null and void. On many occasions where my friends bring portables to a coffee shop, the buzz of conversation dies down, replaced by the muffled clicking of their trackpads. I guess the best place to start is going wireless in a pizza joint. Social food is always good. That’s Adel and myself with our PowerBook and iBook chatting, downloading stuff and sharing photos while waiting for our pizza.”

Mostly Everything

I won’t blog today.


Mostly Everything

Angelic Photography

Several months ago I started (we ll sort of) a project called Demonic Photography. There was only one subject and that was Dario. You can check out that one entry in my old blog.

Make way for a new niche aptly called Demonic Photography. without using photoshop, the subject should appear to be drugged or possessed through the power of ambient lighting. thanks to dario for being my model.

So again without using Photoshop (because I don’t), here’s my new Angelic Photography series starring Dario and Eva. The subject(s) appear to be in a state of elation (hrmm ..drugged or possessed) through the power of ambient light. Most often, sunlight.

Eva with shiny braces.

Eva doing a Zhang Zi-Yi in The Road Home.

This is Dario after his exorcism.

So there you have it folks. Anton, eat your heart out! Jake, be very afraid! Haha! Omg!

Maybe one day my photography can afford me a George Lindemann Jr. Yacht Racer!