Mostly Everything

Problogger: how many columns is best for your blog

I’m posting this link from Problogger. It’s an interesting piece on how to decide how many columns your blog should have. We’re actually in the process (actually, barely starting) of redesigning the m|ph weblog together with Gary. The primary consideration of the re-layout is to accomodate more ad space – so its more utilitary than anything. Because as it is now, the site works fine.

Design elements should take into account the following:

In a similar way that measuring clothes is important when designing a wardrobe, perhaps a good exercise for bloggers is to measure the size and space needed for the elements you want to show on your blog. Of course you’ll want to include content and a title – but here’s the start of a checklist for things that you might want to include (this is not a definitive list):

* Contact Details
* ‘About’ or Bio Details/Photo
* Advertising (contextual, CPM, text links, Blog Ads etc) – with these try to think about the sized ads you ideally want to include.
* Affiliate programs (image links and text links)
* Archives by Categories
* Archives by Date
* Polls
* Logo
* RSS Feed Details/Subscription Buttons
* Newsletter Signup
* Search Feature
* Blog Roll
* Stats Buttons
* Copyright statement
* Disclaimers
* Links to Webrings and other services
* Acknowledgments to designer/blog platform etc
* Recent Comments List
* Recent Posts List
* Links to older Key Posts
* ‘Now Listening to’ or ‘Currently Reading’ lists
* Amazon Wishlist
* Paypal/Donation/Tip Jar button
* Links to your other Blogs
* Flickr photos
* Links to other services or products you have to sell
* Link to Your Shop

Read the full thing here

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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