Mostly Everything

Motorola RAZR 2 V8 Retails for P19,990.00


Are you planning on buying a RAZR next month? I suggest you hold on to your money and wait. The Motorola “RAZR squared” is the second coming of Motorola’s most iconic cellphone. Dubbed as the RAZR V8, this phone is faster, thinner and houses more memory and a higher megapixel count camera. No 3G for this unit though. Boo.

The unit will retail at a suggested price of P19,990.00, a tad shy of twenty thousand pesos. It will be available this September.

Full review of the Motorola 2 V8 at Cellphone9.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “Motorola RAZR 2 V8 Retails for P19,990.00”

I am planning to buy a RAZR within next month though RAZR2 is out of my budget. Poor me. 😀 Hoping to make more $$$ from advertisers.

had a razr and v3x. i lurve motorola because their fones are so easy to use and are very fashionable too. i couldn’t wait for their new release so i bought me a Samsung and i have to say it’s a big adjustment!!!

la lang share ko lang

Looking forward to the RAZR2 V9 with HSDPA and expandable memory. We’ll have to wait for 2-3 months more for it, I suppose? Also, Jayvee, would you know why there doesn’t seem to be anything to refer to locally on the Samsung U700? I was eying to upgrade to it from the RAZR V3x also because it has almost the same specs as the RAZR MAXX. One down, two more RAZR2s to go. Thanks man.

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