Crocs, Revisited.


Even though this blog is described as “the pseudo personal blog about blogging, technology and stuff” it seems that the most popular post has to do with my fashion sense. Let’s revisit Crocs. Eek!

Mostly Everything

I want a Mii Parade!

Lookie here. According to this video’s details, this Mii parade consists of about 10,000 Miis walking down the virtual Miiground. I was too lazy to count as I lost it at about 5,294.

With my Wii address book barely filled up (I added up a few friends and sent them email from the Wii Console’s unique w[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] address), I’m wondering if there others there who would gladly add me up to their friends list. Maybe, just maybe, we could do mundane things like parade our Miis and send email to one another using the built in mail system.

Anyway, this number should suffice:

Wii Friend Code 1647 7187 1691 1181

If you own a Wii and would like to add me up, feel free to do so. Post your Wii number too while you’re at it.

Mostly Everything

Schmoozing and Related Arts

The conversation between Chris Pirillo and Dave Newton sure hits a vein. In his post about a KOMO TV invite which he declined, Dave Newton, talks about how “I come from a conventional old-time broadcaster background, so I’m not available for schmoozing.” This was with regard to Chris’ comment about bloggers and journalists (oh no here we go again) and how big companies are slowly holding “get to know you” blogger meets.

I’m flattered that I made a list of Seattle area bloggers, but not starry-eyed enough to accept the invitation to come and be cooed over by the TV people, no matter how sincere they may seem about recognizing my significance. See, I have been, and plan to continue, commenting upon and sometimes criticizing KOMO-TV, and many other media organizations. So, I prefer not to drink their booze and eat their hors d’oeuvres, thanks all the same. I guess I can’t help thinking I’d have a harder time blogging about them afterward, and that they–KOMO-TV and Mr. Pirillo, the self-styled self-promoter–would like that very much. [Dave Newton]

Mostly Everything

WiiFit Parody

[Sarcastic Gamer via Ironic Gamer]

In reference to doing yoga on the Nintendo Wii, here is the WiiFit video that has been taped over by a huge pile of sarcasm.

I especially like the part where the narrator goes “don’t wanna invest $3.19 on a hula hoop? Why not pick up a Wii for $300.00 and enjoy the same kind of fun but in the comfort of your living room without that annoying plastic hoop.”

Neat stuff.

Mostly Everything

Needing Travel Advice for Singapore – Malaysia Sojourn

Late next month I’ll be off to Singapore for a three day press conference. I will also be taking advantage of this time to take a long needed vacation. I intend to take the bus or train to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore and stay with two good friends who have offered me lodging.

I’m actually looking for travel advice on the traverse from Singapore to Malaysia by train or by bus. How long does the trip take and how much would it actually cost to make the trip?

Hopefully I’ll also be able to meet up with other b5media guys in the persons of Patrick in Singapore and Colbert over at KL.