Mostly Everything

Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty

Dove has launched the second Campaign for Real Beauty in the Philippine Islands using a website which is located at Last year’s campaign (the one with the billboards that you could text to vote) won an international acclaim thanks to the Ogilvy PR Agency. Yay for Ogilvy PH!

Fast Fact: Only 5% of Filipina women consider themselves to be beautiful. The 95% don’t. Reasons usually have to do with social taboos, media, and emotional childhood scars.

What I especially found interesting was that you could grab Real Beauty badges and post them on your website using the site generated code. What I also found interesting was that ladies could submit inspiring stories about how they overcame “aesthetic hurdles” to become who they are now. Personal friends are in it too – Pam Pastor from Inquirer and Mia Sebastian (see pic!) from my college.

mia sebastian.jpg

I wonder if a similar campaign were launched, but for men. Of course, that would be really gay, but then I realize that something like that will never happen since women really go for men because they are nice and gentleman-like … Not about looks, am I right? πŸ™‚

Note – Maybe it would have been better for the campaign to have an assortment of smaller badges to choose from. The default badge is quite huge, occupying the usual 400-width blog entry space. The badge is also automatically centered.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty”

since women really go for men because they are nice and gentleman-like Ò€¦ Not about looks, am I right?

more or less. you guys just have to be presentable [at least] – basically that requires you to shower daily, smell good, & dress decently.

then again you shouldnt trust me – i have weird taste πŸ˜€ [e.g. my boyfriend the science & video game geek]

hi there!

thanks for going to the event and the comment about the blog badge. i’m from the agency of dove and we’ll consider your comment. what size would you recommend and prefer?

@richelle – whats wrong with geeks? πŸ™‚

@pam – thanks! i was there at the event. it felt a little weird to be in a lifestyle event. but i had fun!

Fast Fact: Only 5% of Filipina women consider themselves to be beautiful. The 95% donÒ€ℒt. Reasons usually have to do with social taboos, media, and emotional childhood scars.

Partly (or mainly?) to blame is media’s portrayal of beautiful women as tall, fair-complexioned, long-haired Caucasians. Sa TV, kapag maitim, pango, at kulot buhok mo, tingin sa yo pangit. Tsk tsk tsk…

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